Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Postgraduate Studies

Studying a postgraduate degree is something I initially considered, since that way you can go further in research and understand much more what the cell is and all mechanism that it has.

At this time, I plan to go deeper into microbiology, this may change for another 4 years, but that is what I have in mind. The priority is to study in another country, since one would learn the right thing about the career, but also learn a different culture and live with other people very different from those in Chile. It would be a more cultural and social learning, which I find interesting.

Also, if I get to study in another country, I would like to work part-time somewhere, since doing these activities, from my own experience, helps you relax and not think about studying for a while, in addition to having extra money is sensational to spend on your own tastes.

On the other hand, traveling alone abroad to study would be a great step in my independence and at the same time it would be difficult, since I would first leave my whole family which would be very sad, but I know they will always support me if I can study outside. Secondly, it would be proof that I can live alone without depending on my parents all my life.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

In the Future

Over the years I have constantly changed what to do in the future, at school I wanted to study medicine, then I wanted to be an astronaut, in the higher courses I wanted to study biotechnology, but for some mystical reason, I ended up studying biochemistry, so it is difficult to think about that today, but after meditating a little, in the future, I don't know how many years can pass, but I would like to participate in a scientific position at NASA, because I know that to be an astronaut you have to have many conditions and skills that I don't have, so it would be too much hard.

Although, having a job at NASA would also be difficult, but I think that at some point the opportunity will be given.

On the other hand, what I most hope for in the future is to work in a microbiology laboratory, where I can see different bacteria, viruses and other unicellular bodies, in fact, when I have advanced in the career, I want to specialize in this sector because of my great admiration and the use of these beings.

It may sound very childish, but at no time have I thought if I will really earn an adequate salary with these studies or if it will be all pink, because I feel that if I like and enjoy what I do, I would not complain about it.

Friday, October 4, 2019

I recommend...

The series that I recommend is a “dorama”, that is to say, oriental series, specifically is Korean. It is called “Mr. Sunshine” and was released last year in Netflix; also, it has twenty four episodes with duration of one hour each.

Resultado de imagen para mr sunshine
This series was produced by Kim Eun-suk, who I don’t know more production of him, but in this he worked hard with the production, because in the whole series occur in the antique culture of Korea, exactly in 1871, with traditional costumes or the typical oriental atmosphere.

Resultado de imagen para mr sunshineWell, it is about the poor child that kills his family for disobeying to his employers, but the assassins also want to kill him, therefore he flees the country to USA with the help of a missionary. He lives there for a long time until he is transferred to Korea because he was military and knows the language. On the other hand, is a woman of the nobility who struggles to free Korea from the Japanese.

This series, I liked very mucho, because the situations are unexpected and I cried in most episodes because the tension and desperation that I felt, because I had to wait a week for another episode. 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

My pet

In a previous blog, I've already talked about it, it's a little yorkshire Terrier called Mia. The next month will be six years old and has been my first pet in life, since I had never had a pet before.

The first time I saw her it was a surprise, I did not know that the reason for the departure was to find Mia. That's why, when they told me it was our pet, I started crying with happiness.

Since that time, she has been part of our family, she usually sleeps with me and snuggles on my back, not caring that I sleep well. Also, when she wants to play, she throws her toy at me and starts jumping and barking so I can pick it up.

Every time we take her out for a walk, she starts barking everything that moves, children, dogs, even the leaves she sees

I love her very much, she is very funny and cute, and when I come from classes, she jumps and licks my face. I hope that Mia is with us for much longer.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Best Vacations

In Argentina!!!

The best vacations that I had was when I visited Argentina specifically Buenos Aires with my family, that is to say, my mother, father, sister and uncle. Well, it was the first time that I had traveled outside of Chile.

This travel was very interesting and relaxing because we saw very much places and to ate different food of Argentina. There we were a one week, where I visited museums, rivers as ‘Rio Tigre’ or ‘Rio de la Plata’ and a one time, we enter a mall center that, sincerely, was ugly.

Also, the city was clean and there was a good smell. The only bad was the subway, because always it was very hot, although to be cold. It was strange and I thought that we were going down to hell. While we will avoid the subway, I was happy.

On the sixth day, I started to miss my dog; she was very alone in Chile and sometimes, a men visited her, but it not same that I take care of her. When we came back, she was happy and jumped everywhere, it was very cute.

Friday, September 6, 2019


International investigation into Belgium's Antarctic base
International investigation into Belgium's Antarctic base
The first country that i will wish to go was England, but after of think about this, I like very many locations with cold weather as Antarctica, this is the first reason that I want to go and work in this country. Yeah, it is strange that someone to like a cold place and what has only military bases or the weather is bad always, but I don’t have any more reason for justify.

The Antarctic actually is a continent and is governed by a system known as the Antarctic Treaty system (ATS) with the signatories of the Treaty were 53 countries. The population engaging in and supporting science, in fact this place has a Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research which it is motivated me for I would to work for long time there.

Also, for the cold weather is a perfect pace for working in biological sciences as the microorganisms that I love these studies, especially related with the bacteria.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Experience with the blog

In general, writing blogs for many weeks has given me the experience of trying to tell each event in English, which always had difficulties for me, since thinking in English is complicated, it is not so much listening or reading, if not It’s like that. You must form sentences or sentences to communicate with other people in this language.

At first it was very difficult to express myself in English, since I had to think about placing grammar, verbs and themes better, so the writing was very slow. However, throughout blogs, I tried to process faster how to place each thing. In a way, I have evolved with writing, but I still have a lot to learn.

I don't know, you should add more time to do the practical parts so that you can always better integrate the sentences and be very fluent and have a minimal error in communication.

In a way, you can write about many things, which can vary greatly according to the tastes of each person, since one group wants to narrate a fun event and another group wants to talk about their greatest hobby, so it is very broad of what It can be written.

In conclusion, it has been an entertaining experience